The Type Pod
Anitra and Jason are two type nerds, who share the strange and wonderful stories of the typefaces we read every day (and their mutual disdain for Goudy)
The Type Pod
Times New Roman
In this episode, David joins us again as we examine the history of that most ubiquitous of typefaces, Times New Roman, which is much more interesting than Times New Roman itself - honest.
Anitra volunteered to do the typeface history for this episode so she can then bore for Australia on printing technology.
Jason and David will try to stay awake.
Follow David on Instagram
You can find the show notes and transcript set in Times New Roman at https://www.anitraland.com/podcast
If you'd like to share your own views on TNR, or the pod, email us on designsleuth@yahoo.com or leave us a message on speakpipe.com/thesiswhisperer
You can find us on Twitter: @type_pod and on Insta: @the_type_pod
Our Producer, Professor Inger Mewburn is located at the Australian National University and is on twitter as @thesiswhisperer